On 1 Apr 2004 at 17:43, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 31 Mar 2004 at 16:47, WinSupport wrote:
> > I checked the 97 version to see how it compared with the 2004
> > version and found that they work exactly the same in this aspect. 
> > In 97, you could only apply blank notation to layer 1 throughout the
> > entire staff and the spacing ignores the blank layer. . . .
> This is a factually incorrect statement. There was a special 
> alternate notation tool that could apply blank notation to a single
> measure in a staff.

I mis-spoke here about WinFin97.

Alternate notation was applied to a region after selecting the region 
with the MassEdit tool. Alternate Notation was the third choice from 
the bottom of the MassEdit menu.

Open up WinFin97 and try it yourself.

And in WinFin97, the blank notation version is exactly the same width 
as what happens when you space a version that has only the visible 

In other words, blank notation *was* different in WinFin97, and the 
only way to accomplish the same thing in the versions of Finale since 
Staff Styles were introduced is with the Staff Styles that you agree 
do not space the notes correctly.

It's a bug.

It's not a feature request.

It's something that doesn't work properly.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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