On 2 Apr 2004 at 16:46, WinSupport wrote:

> I must have been wrong about the way 2004 spaces with Alternate
> Notation in the Staff Attributes.  When I tested it that day, it
> seemed to work the same as Finale 97, but I cannot reproduce those
> results again. Finale 2004 does not space the notes quite as close as
> Finale 97.  The difference seems to have arose in Finale 2000 when the
> Alternate Notation was moved into the Staff Attributes.

That is what I suggested in my first message to you.

> Since the behavior is different between the two programs, I will write
> it up as an issue that needs to be needs to be addressed in a future
> version.  

Thank you!

> While experimenting even more, I also noticed that checkmarking "Show
> Active Layer Only", under the View menu, and applying Music Spacing
> will only space the active layer.  This could be considered another
> way to get the spacing results you want.

How many times do I have to explain this?

It *can't* be done that way, because the printed music is in multiple 
layers, and spacing calculations require *all* those layers to get 
the right spacing. It's not about a single measure, but about all the 
staves for that particular measure. Your suggestion only works when 
the visible notation in the measure with blank notation is the most 
active measure (i.e., has the most content that will be spaced) of 
all the staves in that measure.

This is why it's a bug, because there is no real workaround.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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