Darcy James Argue wrote, in part:

> The PowerBook G4 line was *very* recently updated.  The official line 
> from Apple is that PBG5's are "still a long ways off."
> Meanwhile, I wouldn't expect some incredible bargain on the 
> PBG4's even  after the PBG5's are introduced.  (Look at the
> incredible bargains currently available on G4 towers -- not.)  The
> PBG4's are already *extremely* competitively priced.  If that's
> what you want, you might as well get it now
> If you actually want a PBG5 (like me) then it makes sense to 
> wait.  If not, it really doesn't.  You might as well buy now.

Well, in general I know that waiting longer generally gets you more
technology for your money.  I don't *need* a new computer until the Fall of
2006, when I intend to start graduate classes.  At this point, I'm
semi-satisfied to wait.  The technophile in me really wants to own a new
machine ASAP, but the conservatively-spending attempting-to-be-rational
(i.e. attempting to keep my wife happy :) side wants to wait and hopefully
snatch up more bang for the buck.

Brad Beyenhof

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