On 23 May 2004 at 6:35, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

> But I suppose "My..."-style 'folders' are good for most folks, for
> whom any kind of organization is a mystery, whether computer or
> closet. . . .

Well, I have always been extremely annoyed at the names chosen. 
Documents, Programs and Pictures all would have worked just fine, but 
those wouldn't have shown off the capability to have filenames longer 
than 8 characters with spaces in them.

Too bad the OS isn't built in a way that reliably handles long 
filenames and filenames with spaces in them.

> . . . My wife is forever doing searches for stuff she's written
> because she doesn't pay attention to where she saved it. I might even
> find some of her writing on my computer if she was, say, browsing
> through family photos via the home network.

This is yet another of those situations where a fundamental problem 
is "solved" by pasting on yet another level of kludges to cover up 
the fact that at base, something is wrong with the organization of 
the OS in the first place if people have such difficulty managing 
their files.

By default, all files should end up in a single place. If the user 
wants to change that location or organize it with subfolders, they 
should be able to, but the problem of files ending up in dozens of 
places shouldn't be there in the first place.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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