At 9:29 PM -0700 6/04/04, Eric Dannewitz wrote:
Christopher BJ Smith wrote:

I just think that if you are going to have to re-jig almost every aspect of your part layout once you change something, why not just re-extract parts again?

Why do you think that? Say you change 8 measures of music, is that going to screw up the whole page format?

Yes! If you have added notes where they had rests before! Or added 8ths where they had whole notes, etc. Especially if it's the FIRST 8 bars. Nothing to do but reformat.

Actually, we kind of have that feature already. (snip)

Thats like letting Finale print the parts for you. I can't ever remember doing that and liking the results. It would be great to keep a score and the parts together in ONE file, and have separate layouts for each. Then you can change the music, but you have to go through and redo all the page layouts.

As was mentioned a message or two ago, you can set the page layout, and adjust items but NOT separately for each part. That's the "kind of" I was talking about. Maybe a better implementation would make it more usable for me.

I dunno, previous experience? (Lyric Tool, Ossia Tool, Midi Tool, certain aspects of the Repeat Tool, to name a few.)

Lyric tool works well.

Try adding or copying lyrics when a word has two syllables across a barline. And how do you shift syllables for the second verse without messing up the first verse? It's true that it is better than it was, but one still has to be careful, or major screw-ups can occur.

Repeat Tool too.

Not the repeat symbols, like the $ or the coda target. They never stay where you put them (up to version 2003). This has not changed much since 3.2.

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