David W. Fenton wrote:

Indeed, properly it should be implemented like stylesheets for web pages. You can change the entire look of a web page (not just colors and fonts) by changing to a different stylesheet. If Finale files stored a score layout that defined systems and page layout, and a separate part layout, and also allowed you to save individual tweaks to particular parts, it would be perfect.


Style sheets would be a fantastic addition to Finale! That way we could create a sort of universal layout for parts that would be like want it most of the time for one type of part extraction and simply call that up. I like that concept, IF it would be implemented as you suggest, like style-sheets for web-pages. Change the setting in the style-sheet and all parts which were extracted using that style-sheet would be similarly adjusted the next time they were opened. That would be terrific, and linking back to the score in that manner would be fine with me, too. As you say, adding a new block of measures would be no different in the linked version as it is now without part/score linking: We'd still have to rejig the layout of the parts (style sheets could go a LONG way to making that easier as any new pages added to the end of existing parts would be setup the same as existing pages, using the style-sheet settings). But simple note changing, expression changing, and other alterations but not addition/subtraction would automatically be reflected in the parts.

Do you envision this as a menu option (Adjust all linked parts to reflect changes NOW) or as an automatic option with the concurrent performance hit as all the parts for the score are altered with each alteration to the score?

I dunno, previous experience? (Lyric Tool, Ossia Tool, Midi Tool,
certain aspects of the Repeat Tool, to name a few.)

I didn't use the Lyrics Tool before it's revision, so I don't know what was broken. What, specifically, are you speaking of there?

As to the other tools, I don't see any changes in them -- they basically behave the way they have as long as I've used Finale.

These may not have ever changed but that is the point in bringing these up in answer to your statement concerning why do people automatically assume new things will be implemented in foolish ways [not your exact words but I can't remember the exact quote] -- these are things which were implemented in foolish ways which are quirky to use and often don't make sense. MakeMusic has proven itself quite capable of implementing tools in ass-backward ways, which we were just trying to point out to you as to why we aren't sure these new suggestions will be properly implemented.

But your style-sheets suggestion (I know, you've made this suggestion before and it has always intrigued me) is a great one and is one that I will send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] But as always, suggesting that it be a user configurable and switchable option.

David H. Bailey

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