At 3:04 PM -0400 6/05/04, David W. Fenton wrote:
On 5 Jun 2004 at 1:55, Christopher BJ Smith wrote:

 Now comes the hard part: How far away is Finale's structure from a
 relational database to be able to accomplish this in a reasonable
 number of programmer hours?

Finale's data is already stored in a database.

That's a relief.

You described the feature set just about perfectly, actually.

Thank you! But I am pretty much certain I missed some things. No doubt we will all be clamouring for them to be fixed NOW DAMMIT once it is implemented.

Programming difficulties aside, wouldn't you *want* those features if
Coda implemented them? Wouldn't they greatly improve your

Yes, I would, if they were implemented. A halfway feature like the present Special Part Extraction won't help much.

If find that extracting parts is one of the most unpleasant parts of
Finale -- I put it off and put it off, especially because after
proofing the first run of them, I always have to go back and alter
the score, and in many cases the changes are numerous enough that I
feel that I need to re-extract the parts (instead of making the
changes in two locations).

If the rhythmic content of the measures is not too different, try my method for copying changes. It really is fast. A whole big band chart in about ten minutes, I kid you not.

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