The official Department of Defense version (used by most military bands of the U.S.) has that "rockets red glare" section marked as pianissimo, so it isn't just the Peter Breiner version used at the Olympics that makes that section understated.

Just thought you might want to know.

David H. Bailey, American, too.

Dean M. Estabrook wrote:

I certainly do not consider myself to be overly chauvinistic or a jingoist. However, in consideration of all our country has done for the world over the past two hundred years in terms of global aide and other charitable acts, I am much more than sick and tired of being portrayed as the cosmic "Bad Guy." What other nation would even consider emasculating the performance of its National Anthem in fear that the rest of the world might be offended by its rightfully earned pride? And, where is the outrage over the HOST crowd preventing the start of a race via the jeering directed at three Americans who simply came to their country to compete in an environment of purported equal access and non bias? Considering the fact that the situation was caused by the misdeeds of a dishonorable Greek athlete in the first place, one is truly disgusted and shocked by this indefensible behavior. As for the the emotional effect of our National Anthem, I prefer a version which constricts my throat muscles and produces horripilation, rather than one which equivocates and apologizes for our existence in the face of an ungrateful world.

Dean M. Estabrook,  American

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