Simon Troup wrote:

I tire of this belief that all spam is from harvested emails.  A good
proportion of the spam I receive (on several different accounts) is
also CCed to endless permutations of my surname - all it takes is a
list of first names, a list of surnames, a list of top level domains,
and software.  Much easier than bothering to trawl the web.

Nearly all my spam is directed directly at that email address, please don't presume that I'm deluded in linking the two events.

But now that your e-mail is out there on the marketed spam lists, nothing any archive is going to do will change that.

And it still remains to see how much spam is generated by spiders trolling archives such as the ones as SHSU.

I've been using this address for over 2 years now (almost 3) on this list and I receive perhaps 10 spams per day. I still have the old e-mail address active (it's from my ISP) which was active on this list for the past 4 years, and it gets about 5 spam e-mails a day.

So if we compare our two experiences, I would feel safe in claiming that your spams are NOT coming as a result of your e-mail being posted in the formerly-public archives at SHSU. Mine certainly hasn't been, and I include mine in the signature of every e-mail I send to the list, so it'll be in each archived message twice. And goodness knows I post quite a lot to this list, so if anybody was a target of spam from spider trolling, I would be a primary target.

-- David H. Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ Finale mailing list

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