On 31 Jan 2005, at 11:34 AM, Robert Patterson wrote:

Simon Troup wrote:

Out of curiousity why didn't you go to 10.3?

Bitter experience has taught me never to upgrade the OS (or anything else) unless absolutely necessary. Hardware is designed to match the performance demands of the software that is current at the time it is built. Upgrading quite often degrades performance. (I've found this to be generally true on any platform.)

Plus, upgrading always implies risk. There is the risk it won't work correctly on your computer. There is the risk that, for all the marketing hype, some feature in the old version you hold dear has been removed or modified to the point of uselessness. There is the risk that a new version has new bugs.

I never upgrade without a good reason, and no UI doo-dad constitutes a good reason.

This is a huge mistake. Panther (10.3 ) runs *faster* on the same hardware compared to Jaguar (10.2). Many MIDI and audio-related bugs (among other things) were fixed in 10.3. I don't think your arguments for not upgrading are very well-founded.

Frankly, I hate the Panther UI, especially as compared with Jaguar.

This makes no sense to me. The differences between the two are rather subtle. The only major difference is the sidebar in Finder windows, which you can get rid of if you want.

Oh, and you can be sure I'll avoid Tiger, too.

Again, that's likely to be a mistake. Why don't you at least wait for user reports from people using your hardware setup?

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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