I know that this topic has been covered in the semi distant past, but to be honest, I wasn't paying all that much attention and it seemed to be working fine for me...

...until today.

FinMac 2005b.r1
PowerBook G4 running system 10.3.9
Microsort Word 2004 v. 11.1

I'm extracting an .eps file from Finale, pasting it into a Word document.

So I do the extraction, choosing PICT preview, include fonts, get the nonsensical warning about Chicago (which I'm not using) not being EPS-able and save the .eps file.

Then I insert the .eps file into Word and all is well. On screen I have a not-too-good preview image, but I can see it. Off the printer it's great.

Then I go back to the Finale file to change the example a bit.
Then I re-extract the .eps file. Same options checked: include PICT preview, include fonts, etc...
Then I paste the new .eps file into the Word Document

Now, instead of the preview image onscreen I see a box that reads
Title:  VN Opening
Creator:  Finale 2005b
Preview: This EPS picture was not saved with a preview (TIFF or PICT) included in it Comment: This EPS picture will print to a postcript printer but not to other types of printers

OK, I understand what it's saying. But I DID include a TIFF preview (and double- and triple-checked it).

Printing (to a printer) the inserted .eps file is fine. Printing to a .pdf file, I get the box with text as above.

Can anyone explain what's happening -- or more important -- how I can get the screen image of the file I've inserted rather than nonsense text?



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