........and there is going to be a Tiger update soon, according to an email I received from Gary a few days ago.

Hi Chuck,

Thank you for your kind words...and thank you for the information that the Tiger update is on its way soon. That is good to know and will hopefully clear up some of the problems you are having.

......I did find the crash log files listed below, and there were many crashes listed for the Formac Studio TV that sits in the corner of my screen, keeping me company while I do stuff that doesn't require all of my attention. So I quit that application.

I think that may be the timer app that is crashing...it is one of the Formac processes that runs in the background (or is supposed to run!) There are issues with Formac startup too apparently under Tiger. I have heard that setting the Formac Studio to launch at login helps but I'm not sure how effective that really is. The best thing is probably, as Darcy said, to not run Formac at all while you are using GPO....(I'm sorry :-( ) You may have to actually restart the computer too after you quit Formac because some background processes can keep causing problems even after you quit the "parent" application. But, also as Darcy mentioned, podcasts are nice! Here is a link for some dashboard widgets that you may like!


Note: it is a good idea to uncheck the box in Safari preferences>General where is says...Open '"safe" files after downloading...as a precaution even though there are currently no damaging viruses for Mac...

So the question I have, asked in what I imagine to be some naivete, is (please excuse the split infinitive): what is happening during the period between starting GPO and the time it decides to hog the CPU (some hours - maybe 24 or so), and is this something GPO or Kontact can fix? Or can I?

I think that I would have to say that I second everything Darcy and Hiro were talking about in previous posts....I think they are on the money as far as this goes and I don't have anything more to add. As Darcy mentioned, I also open my GPO documents from within the GPO application rather than double clicking on the document to launch GPO. Not sure if this makes a huge difference but it may allow GPO to start up more quickly.

Finally, I'm wondering if the Ambience reverb plugin within GPO is adding to the CPU problems over time. You can open the Ambience window and turn the Quality/CPU percentage down (and set the "room" to be smaller too perhaps?) see if that helps...may not sound as good, but may help with CPU usage.

That's all that I can think of that you can do to remedy this (aside from the restarting that has already been mentioned.) The rest I think is up to Garritan and NI. Again, hopefully the Tiger update will help. I'll look forward to hearing what the Garritan tech has to say. Thanks for doing that legwork and sharing it with the list!

I may have mentioned that the next version of MOTU's MachFive will work as a standalone application with Finale. I'm looking forward to that and I'm curious as to whether anyone on the list knows anymore about this upcoming release?

From a personal standpoint (sitpoint?), learning to control Finale has taken quite a while, and the information needed to use it takes up considerable space in this old CPU of a brain of mine.

Not sure I'm buying this Chuck! From your posts, it seems that you have quite "the ability to swing" with Finale and computers too!

Hope you are having a good weekend!

Take care,

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