My problem with GPO is the Kontact engine. It doesn't load many instruments before the sound cracks up on a Mac. I find Reason to be much more efficient. Mind you, Reason doesn't have those nice Keyboard Switches that GPO has where you can change samples (e.g., arco to pizz to trem. etc.) within the same MIDI channel.

I haven't used Reason as a GM machine. I have collected samples over the years, from commercial sample discs to my own custom made ones, and I have a nice orchestral template ready to go. I've even played the GPO samples on Reason converting them using a program called CDXtract. The commercial discs that I've used come from companies like Denny Jaeger, Dan Dean, and East-West to name a few.

Reason does have some good starter sounds built in their own sound banks (Orkester), but over the years I found it paid off to make my own instruments from samples collected elsewhere.

Another thing I like about Reason is that up until version 2.5, I can run it on System 9 as well as X, and therefore I can use my old computer as another synth/sampler.

Let me know if you need even more specifics.

-Randolph Peters

P.S. I don't use the Reason sequencer and a number of the other modules (drum machine, synths), but I do like the mixer, the reverb, and of course, the sampler.

At 7:13 AM -0400 6/11/05, dhbailey wrote:
Randolph Peters wrote:
BTW, I'm not too impressed by the efficiency of GPO. Reason gives me a lot more bang for my buck without overloading the CPU. I really think people should think twice before committing to GPO.

What sort of sample library are you using for realistic playback in Reason? I was very impressed with the demo when I played around with it a couple of years ago, but couldn't see any way to get it to be a GM machine. I even contacted them via e-mail and the tech-support people said that while it would be possible, it wouldn't be easy. Have things changed?

I would very much appreciate any specifics concerning how you are using Reason with Finale, please.

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