A volunteer job is still a job. You shouldn't volunteer for a job if you don't plan to actually fulfill your responsibilities. If someone is a volunteer firefighter in a small town, and yet never shows up at the scene of a fire, then they are not doing their job.

If Henry's on vacation, well, there are many people on this list with experience with Mailman software. How hard would it have been to contact one of them with the admin password and say, "Would you mind keeping an eye on the list while I'm away?"

Also, if you know you're going away for a while, and nobody's minding the shop while you're gone, why on earth would you make a major change like modifying the Reply-To behavior *immediately* before you depart, so that we're all stuck with it for weeks?

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 25 Aug 2005, at 2:51 PM, dhbailey wrote:

Darcy James Argue wrote:

On 25 Aug 2005, at 1:22 PM, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

This guy needs to be publicly flogged!

It wouldn't be a problem if the list owner was doing his job.

He has a job? I don't recall ever paying him anything. Have you paid him?

He does it as a labor of love, and if he happens to be away on vacation, so be it.

Maybe his computer's in the shop and he's away until Labor Day, too.

But I don't think he gets paid for this list.  It's not really a job.

Finale mailing list

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