At 8/31/2005 01:45 PM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

>>Really? (Finale has got to be one of the last hold-outs [in an increasingly
>>small group of non-internationalized software producers].) Is Finale limited
>>to western European languages, then? (ISO-8859-1/ISO-8859-15 or Win-1252
>Yup, CP1252 on Win and MacRoman on Mac.
>This thing bit me hard when I had to do a lot of Brazilian songs
>arrangement last week :-<
>Unicode compatibility on Finale, to my guess, isn't easy.  Another
>reason Finale needs extensive overhaul or rewrite from the ground up
>like they did with v3.

Oh, that's bad.  It's a lot of work to go from single byte to double byte.

I just moved my project (about 1/2 million lines of code) from double byte to Unicode and it took 5 solid weeks.

It would have taken, probably, 3 times that long to move from single byte.

Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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