On Sep 17, 2005, at 2:40 PM, Owain Sutton wrote:

Christopher Smith wrote:

OK, I don't understand this objection at all. Staff styles are the EASIEST way to make switches of this type, so I don't get why you think it is so inconvenient. You get the clef, key sig, staff name, and sounds all in one shot, once you have set it up. I even use staff styles to change from soprano sax to clarinet, that have the same everything, just so that I can get the abbreviated staff name to show up properly without screwing around with it. Assign the staff style to a metatool, and you have one-click instrument switching.

Staff styles are a nightmare when you have several of them at work at once. I'll sometimes have one affecting the notehead font, another removing barlines, and so on, all overlapping in different places. Keeping track of which are applied to which parts of the score is awful - and this again is a result of a poor and inconsistent UI.

In the Staff Menu, check Show Staff Style Names. No problems keeping track now.

I also reduced the intensity of the colour of staff styles, so that I could see though them more easily.


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