On 18 Oct 2005, at 8:19 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

On 19 Oct 2005 at 0:30, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

Today I was working on something completely differently, I was editing a recording. I lost about an hour's work because the software crashed.
Annoying, no doubt, but nothing to get worked up about. It only
happens every once in a while, and as long as I don't completely loose
work that took months to do (which I don't because I have backups) I
live with it. Have to live with it.

Well, when you say that it prompts me to wonder if I've misunderstood
the nature of this bug. Is it not the case that this bug can delete
data that you *haven't* been editing, in completely different staves
than your recent edits have occurred in?

In that case, you *could* lose months of work -- all that's necessary
is a second forced save after the bug has struck to wipe out both
your Finale file and the backup copy. The autosave won't help you if
it kicks in *after* the bug has struck.

Yes, this is exactly what I've been saying. That's why I don't recommend setting the autosave interval to something very small, like 1 minute.

If this bug hits, the best thing to do is close the file right away without saving, then revert back to the most recently autosaved version. So long as you do this quickly, and you're not very unlucky (i.e., the bug hits one second before the autosave timer is up), then you should not lose too much work. But, as you say, if autosave kicks in, *and* you accidentally do a manual save after losing all your entries, you will in fact lose everything. (Provided you don't have an additional backup under a different name somewhere else on your HD.)

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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