This  Choral Symphony was not the Odense, that was released on an appendix vinyl album I believe; and wasn't included in the CD set.  I can't recall which K number this choral symphony was, but it was a very early one, K 110-119  with an alphabet subscript number I think.
This was a very short Symphony--and the Choral part was maybe 3 mins? But I remember the liner notes saying "surprize! Beethoven didn't write the first choral symphony." Or words to that effect. I have written to Neal Zaslaw about this--he was the advisor to the project and maybe he can shed some light on this for me. I'll let everyone know the results.
Thanks so much.

On 3/13/06, Johannes Gebauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here is Chris's reply:

> I know nothing of any Choral Symphony from Mozart, and I can't think of anything that went missing from the LPs other than the Odense symphony, which surely can never have been by Mozart.
> Maybe they could tell you which record they found it on?

Hope this helps, perhaps this was the confusion?


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Kim Patrick Clow
"There's really only two types of music: good and bad." ~ Rossini
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