On 13.03.2006 Kim Patrick Clow wrote:
This  Choral Symphony was not the Odense, that was released on an appendix 
vinyl album I believe; and wasn't included in the CD set.  I can't recall which 
K number this choral symphony was, but it was a very early one, K 110-119  with 
an alphabet subscript number I think.
This was a very short Symphony--and the Choral part was maybe 3 mins? But I remember the liner notes saying "surprize! Beethoven didn't write the first choral symphony." Or words to that effect. I have written to Neal Zaslaw about this--he was the advisor to the project and maybe he can shed some light on this for me. I'll let everyone know the results.

Are you sure this was on the Hogwood recording? I am surprised that Chris Hogwood himself cannot remember this at all.


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