On 31 Mar 2006 at 12:48, Lon Price wrote:

> All of this said, I do believe that in general the popular music of 
> the 60s was far superior musically than today's music, but is that a 
> true statement, or just my own personal taste? I dunno.

I think that, taken as a body, the pop music of today has far, far 
more variety than was present in the 60s or 70s, and within that wide 
variety, there's an amazing degree of complexity and subtlety in the 
musical content.

When teaching my "pre-theory" class I have done a weekly project 
where students bring in a recording of a piece of music they 
particularly like. They have to talk about the piece before it's 
played, describing what's going on musically, then we listen, then 
the rest of the class talks about it i musical terms.

Two main things have surprised me:

1. they ignore lyrics

2. the music they like is often quite interestingly constructed and 
often hauntingly ironic.

I think that those who complain about the music the "kids" are 
listening to basically aren't paying attention. With the advent of 
easy downloading, there's a huge variety of all kinds of music (pop, 
classical, jazz, world) that is showing up on these kids iPods on a 
regular basis, and they like it all.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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