On May 4, 2006, at 2:42 AM, Owain Sutton wrote:

Bill Duncan's Finale fonts has this, and it is a piece of cake to use

This, coupled with a really good microtonal implementation,
is one of
the things that would swing me to *cough* other software

Do you mean it just has the fonts?  And that you still have to go
through the ridiculous 'nonstandard time signature' procedure to set up
microtones properly?

You must have meant "nonstandard KEY signature" but no, you don't have to do this. You can enter the half-sharps and whatnot as articulations, and they will be automatically placed and spaced (except for chords, yikes!) though you won't get microtonal playback. (Frankly, the barriers involved in correct microtonal playback of harmony instruments is so great I'm not sure it is doable in normal MIDI. Individual notes in single lines, of course, are fine.)

I greatly suspect that MakeMusic is not going to waste time implementing an improvement of something that is already doable with no great kludging, at least in print.


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