On 16 Oct 2006 at 7:50, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

> On 16.10.2006 David W. Fenton wrote:
> > It would be nice, though, if some professional engraving standards
> > were somehow built into Finale so that it could tell you if you've
> > exceeded standard modern engraving density.
> I don't think there is such a thing. I have a Henle part here, where
> one page is extremely tightly spaced, tighter than anything I have
> ever done...

Surely you've seen the tight spacing of André's engraving, which 
would be completely unacceptable in modern engraving. My bet is that 
André routinely exceeded the tightness of the Henle part you're 
looking at.

> I think this is another case where good engraving always needs a good
> eye, too, and a computer can only go some of the way...

But it's quite clear that there are loose standards, and the part 
you're looking at violates them.

I didn't suggest that such a thing be implemented in a way that 
prevents exceeding it (as Score does, if I'm not mistaken). I 
suggested that Finale provide information about problems that come 
from tight spacing that exceeds professional standards. This could be 
part of a house style feature, were Finale to have that implemented 
in a future version.

And, ideally, the user could adjust the thresholds to personal taste, 
using scaling values. I'd love to have something like that, because I 
routinely end up with tighter spacing onscreen than looks good when 
printed, because of the nature of the difference between the two 
views of the notation. If the computer could do that evaluation for 
me and warn me when I exceed it, that would be a great help.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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