I have experienced the same as Johannes. I have several, out of hundreds, of CD-Rs with backup files for clients. I can recall at least a half dozen times where I've gone back to retrieve something, and the disc wound NOT mount or would not read the files. Damn, floppies were more reliable in their day!

Now, all my backups go to an external drive and a tape backup. So far, no failures with the tapes, knock on wood.

J D  Thomas

On Nov 9, 2006, at 11:40 PM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

On 09.11.2006 Phil Daley wrote:
I doubt it. I have hundreds of CDs that are 10 years old or longer. I have never seen a CD fail.

Well, I have, several. How old is that article? I recently heard a report on the radio about a new study (I believe this was done at the Berlin Free University, or Technical University) which suggests that CD-Rs typically fail after between 2 and 10 years.

Plus, I have had CD-Rs which are unreadable due to a very tiny little scratch.


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