At 04:00 PM 11/10/06 +0100, dc wrote:
>There's also a big difference between audio CDs and data CDs. I've often 
>seen audio CDs readable on one machine and full of errors on another.

Audio CDs do not have the error-correction of data CDs; they were created
to play back fairly accurately, with ways of managing errors in real time
playback. There's fairly good explanation at the Exact Audio Copy site

>And then, if a data CD is declared unreadable, isn't there any specialized 
>software that allows to salvage at least part of its content?

Lots of it. I use IsoBuster (, but recovery
software is dependent on the firmware in the drive. The firmware interposes
itself between software/OS and disk, and limits options. Think of it as
having someone else always drive your car while you instruct them from the
back seat. :)


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