On 17 Jan 2007 at 14:50, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

> On 17.01.2007 David W. Fenton wrote:
> > Robert Marshall was respondent to Rifkin's original article, and
> > he's no slouch as a Bach expert. But his case did not come close to
> > knocking over Rifkin's argument as it was presented, as it involved
> > almost as much hand waving as Rifkin's own. Since then, quite a bit
> > of work has been done on the subject, but I don't know that any of
> > it has settled the issue in favor of one or the other.
> > 
> Well, actually, the discussion went on in Early Music between Joshua
> and Ton Koopman (I believe this was in the year 2000). 

You mean the discussion continued then? The original publication of 
Rifkin's hypothesis was back in the early 80s, around the time the B 
Minor Mass recording came out.

> Eventually they
> called in Andrew Parrot as the unbiased mediator, who then ended up
> writing a book which basically completely supports Joshua's view. The
> whole thing is as settled as it can be. There will always be those who
> don't believe the evidence, but it is nonetheless there.

Nothing is *every* settled. New evidence can emerge, and the 
unexamined assumptions of one generation can become blazingly obvious 
to a later generation. Were it not so, I never would have gone into 

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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