I found the same thing when i installed FIn2K7a, and mentioned it to tech
support at MM to no avail. Also, I have enabled the software to make a
copy when I do a save and directed it to a folder outside of the Finale
folder) on a seperate drive on my Mac) and it repeatedly saved backup
files in the Finale directory not to where I directed it to make the
saves. I have had other issues (with part extraction and playback), so I
have reverted back to 2K6 and am awaiting news from Native Instruments
regarding their Konktakt 2 player update an am waiting to see what issues
have been corrected in Fin2K7b before I install that. I can see from the
user groups and this list that several people have had installation issues
with the supposed fix (Fin2Kb). nevertheless, I have told Make Music that
as far as I am concerned this release of Finale (2007 et al) has been a
downgrade, not an upgrade. Unfortunately, it appears that I wil have to go
through the aggravation of installed the new revisions as the occur until
they get it right, but I can justify the time expenditure now while I can
still keep working in 2K6 with no problems. The other thing I have done
(maybe will complicate my life further, who knows) is requested that I be
put on the list of Beta-testers for Make Music (Finale) so I can see
what's coming next year and get a chance to give some feedback before they
decide to ship an unfinished product again.
I'm curious to hear if you are having any other issues with Fin2K7 and
would like to hear from anyone else regarding the 2K7 downgrade. (Not to
slam Make Music, but I think they have a great product and have been using
it since the days of the Eskimo icons; I just find the practice of
software companies to release "upgrades" that have not been bug-proofed is
unconscienable, and they should wait until it's bug-free when they add new
features to what's shipping. And they really need to avoid what appears to
be a neck and neck race to the finish with Sibelius. I used Sibelius (2)
at the request of a client a couple of years ago, and was greatly relieved
to get it off my computer when the project was over (after 18 months of
screaming at the brothers Finn.) Finale is the leader, Sibelius has
struggled to catch up, and we will have to live with each other from this
point on, but Finale should stay focused internally on their own product
and build and re-design it according to a standard set higher than
Sibelius' or for that matter, see their own internal bar higher and become
the industry leader, hands down. (sort of like Apple has done) But Finale
cannot accomplish that when they aggravate the shit out of their loyal
users by shipping buggy stuff, and when time and time again I read
comments from users who have given up on Make Music Tech support because
they can't answer anything but very basic questions. This is where Finale
will lose the notation wars, one skirmish at a time. I am forwarding a
copy of this to Make Music for their review and comment, as I do not like
running my mouth about anything without giving everyone equal time. Hope
we all can find a solution amicably and expediently.

> Yesterday I installed the Finale 2k7b update, and I think I found as
bug. Not a big one, but very annoying to my ways of working.
> Here  is what I observed:
> Yesterday I had a lengthy session in Finale. Last night I closed and
quit Finale, and I know for absolute certain that I did not save
> This morning I opened Finale, and it did not revert to my normal prefs,
instead it kept the prefs from when I quit Finale last night. This
included the current tool, the MIDI input device (my normal input device
is none to avoid the error message at start up when it is missing).
> I checked, and the option to save prefs at exit is off.
> Has anyone else noticed this? If so I am going to inform MakeMusic.
> Johannes
> --
> http://www.musikmanufaktur.com
> http://www.camerata-berolinensis.de
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