My standard procedure for entering an expression is the same as it's been for about eight years now

i did this eight years ago as well, but spent an afternoon learngin how to work with it, doing experiments and setting my expression up to my meticulous tastes for positioning, and will never go back to completely manual positioning.

I never drag or eyeball, because I'm a freak about wanting to specify the exact coordinates about everything I place.

you can do this also by nudging expressions, when you know that at 200% viewing a nudge corresponds to 3 EVPUs and at Y% = 4 EVPUs.

But I'm open-minded. If it really is going to save me so much time, I'm willing to learn new habits.

i guarantee it.

I pick the most commonly used coordinates, I can set up a metatool and save the trouble of going through the dialog boxes at least on those occasions where the position I want is the one I set up as the default, right?

yes. and with the right settings the positioning will be adjusted according to the note's (vertical) position in relation to the staff. for example, the expression will be in exactly the same position below an A4, G4 and F4 but will be lowered by 12 EVPUs on E4, by 24 on D4, etc. if you transpose, or extract transposed parts from a C-score the expression will adjust itself correctly in a majority of cases.

I just now tried doing that, but my immediate problem is I can't figure out how to use a metatool for an expression and not have it show up on every staff.

attach it to the note. (expression menu: context-sensitive or note-attached).

this brings up another point: if you are using only measure-attached expressions, there is absolutely no way to get the kind of precision you claim to be a freak about on the horizontal axis, since this is proportional (in relation to beats) and except in cases where expressions are placed at specific beat values (i.e. at 0 EVPUs and NOT offset by 5 EVPUs or whatever from the beat, eg. 1.5, 3.666) the positioning in relation to the music changes with the music spacing (different spacing; more or less measures per system), while note-attached horizontal positioning will always be in absolute relation to the note it is attached to.

I'm basically going to be doing math in my head each time, like, "Let's see, I want this at -66, but my default position is defined as -42, so I need to type in -24." I'm starting to doubt that this is really going to save me time.

yes but once set up properly you won't need to adjust anything in the majority of cases; you are already doing math in fact every single time you apply an expression, and **way** more math than you really need to with auto-positioning.

you could even set up a macro (iKeys or whatever) to pump in you most common adjustments (-12, -24 EVPUs) if you really want to be geeky about it 8^)


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