Christopher Smith wrote:

On Aug 24, 2007, at 11:00 AM, Daniel Wolf wrote:

There is a great deal of continuity between Sousa's instrumentation and that of contemporary bands,


The band membership also included a female vocalist, a violinist, and a harpist as soloists,

Heh, heh! My association of Sousa with marching bands made me spit my tea when the image of a marching harpist popped up in your discourse! I was already musing on marching bassoons, and how much I hate marching with a tuba, or the infinitely worse sousaphone, which is at least twice as heavy.

Sousa's band didn't march more than a couple of times. At least his civilian band. The Marine Band marched, and the band he led in WWI at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center marched, but his civilian band mostly just played concerts.

David H. Bailey
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