On 01.11.2007 Richard Smith wrote:
  1. Have we gotten to the point where .PDF is the best way to deliver
     music to clients and publishers or should editable data files
     (Finale, Sibelius or others) continue to be expected.
  2. Should publishers publishers out source engraving work as needed
     or is in house engraving a better choice?
  3. Do e-mails and attachments (along with  occasional phone calls)
     make long distance (even international) work practical.
  4. Should publishers who want to do editing and final engraving in
     house be reasonably expected to have software and engravers for
     both Sibelius and Finale?
  5. How many publishers expect engraving to be done (usually) by the
     original composers/arrangers?

Well, let me give you some answers, based on my very personal experience.

1) PDF has been the format of choice for all my work over the last 8 years or so. Very occasionally I get the request to have the original Finale files, but rarely, and it won't be much use to them anyway, as I use custom fonts from time to time. However, there was one exception, where I worked for Schott. They gave me templates, fonts etc and expected to get a Finale file. But see 2).

2) That is a question to the publishers, but it is and has been the case for a long time that larger publishers have in house engraving (or at least regular engravers) whereas smaller publishers often don't.

3) Most of my work in the last few years has been long distance. I have rarely even made a phone call in relation with engraving work, emails work well, and have worked well over the last ten years.

4) If they do the engraving in house why should they be expected to have anything? If they prefer to do their engraving in score or Amadeus they are free to do so. If they expect to receive files from the outside, yes, I guess they should be able to read both Finale and Sibelius. However, most in house engraving in big firms is done from scratch anyway.

5) Small publishers often expect this. Larger ones seldomly. In the Early Music field the editor is often expected to deliver an end product, ready for publication. However, the general trend is to move to Sibelius for this kind of work.


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