On Oct 31, 2007, at 8:23 PM, Richard Smith wrote:

  1. Have we gotten to the point where .PDF is the best way to deliver
     music to clients and publishers or should editable data files
     (Finale, Sibelius or others) continue to be expected.

I always send PDF files and I think of that as normal. The only time I provided Finale files was when I was working for Recordare, but that was an unusual case where the client was actually working with the Finale files directly and had specific needs that went beyond just the look of the page.

I don't have any privacy concerns with giving away Finale files, as I know some engravers do. I just think my clients have no use for them. They hire me precisely because they don't want to do their own engraving. So why would they want to open anything in Finale?

  3. Do e-mails and attachments (along with  occasional phone calls)
     make long distance (even international) work practical.

I've had plenty of success with long-distance work. I think it helps to have met the client in person to establish the relationship in the first place, but for the actual work meeting is non-essential. I've occasionally done jobs solely by email even when we were local to one another.

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