Dennis wrote:
I've been using Finale for some 15 years now, and I find that tech support hasn't really improved...

to which Jari responded,

Very few tech supports have improved during the last 15 years. Virtually all commercial software today rely on user-to-user communities (forums, lists, wikis, etc) for things that was support issues back then.

and my own take on this is that this is in part because many users know more about the software than many of the tech support people, though this is not (at least in my mind) anything negative about the tech support people. I suspect that few of the tech support positions with most commercial software are filled by people with large amounts of experience, with tech support being, perhaps not an entry level position, but still a position where the persons doing that work know less than the power users who have used it for years. This may be one of the strengths of open source software, in which model some power users are more likely to know the source code better, and perhaps even contribute to it, than would be the case with most commercial software.



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