"No matter what happens, I'll be OK."

Darcy James Argue wrote:
Nobody's blaming you for anything, Ray. The only thing under attack here is the idea that retuning a string or two by a semitone will harm someone's instrument, a belief that does not seem to be founded in reality. Nobody doubts that this belief exists -- that's why we are complaining about it.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 27 Feb 2008, at 1:27 PM, Ray Horton wrote:

I didn't know why people seemed to be blaming me for reporting and interpreting what string professionals told me on the subject. It seems like people interested in writing and arranging music would want to know, without shooting the messenger. This is an orchestra known worldwide for playing new music (somewhat in remission now, unfortunately), and not afraid of new techniques - check out the recording of _Suite for Symphonic Strings_ by Lou Harrison, for example, which has the cellos using guitar picks, etc., just for one example that comes to mind.

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