Ray Horton wrote:
I said that in case you were going anywhere with "G-string." But if I read you incorrectly, I apologize.

My daughter is a 31 year-old professional musician. You will get similar sentiments from _at least_ 90% of the pro violinists you talk to, at least the ones with good instruments.

And understandably so -- it's easy to ask for something which gives a unique sound, but it's not always practical. And you can't expect people with extremely expensive instruments to go doing things which will render that instrument all but useless for a week or so as it settles back into standard tuning. And you can't expect those same people to have any other instruments which they can "sacrifice" in the same way, either.

What composers want is one thing -- what all but the most highly paid orchestras can give them may be something else entirely. :-)

David H. Bailey
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