Hi Christopher!

I used to have those types of problems with the original writing program, 
Professional Composer.   I swore to NEVER learn another program & haven't.   
is frustrating.

One time, after I was finished the corrections, all the notes on the page 
started drifting across the page and settled themselves into new clusters, all 
themselves, even though originally individual notes...

I went to the trash, took out the old pages (before drifting) unfolded 
them,hand wrote in corrections, and that's the pages I gave the pianist.

You have my sympathy!!!!

Vivian Adelberg Rudow
April performances:
CALL FOR PEACE, Rose-Marie Soncini, flute and tape, Beijing, China 
International Congress on Women in Music, April 19, 2008, China Conservatory of 
GARDEN SONG, Josh Harper,voice with tape, THE HEALING PLACE, Audrey Harnack, 
narrator and tape, Thursday, April 17, 8 pm,Ward Hall, Lipscomb University, 
Nashville, TN. Grace Cavalieri, words

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