
Thank you for offering to speak with someone at MakeMusic about getting an official presence here. I am sad that it probably won't be you, as you appear to have a terrific grasp of the program as well as a personality which appears to be able to explain things in a calm and clear manner.

In any event, whether the people who would make such a decision agree with you or not about an official presence on this list, I just want you to know that your presence here has been much appreciated by me and I know also by many others on this list.

Thank you,
David H. Bailey

Fisher, Allen wrote:
That's not why I'm quieting down. I unintentionally hijacked the 2k9 thread. I 
got a bit snarky with Eric D, and I apologize for that.

I'd rather have you discussing the merits of the product than arguing about my 
presence here, especially on the 2k9 thread.

That said, I will talk to someone about getting an official presence here 
(probably won't be me, as much as I enjoy chatting with most people here...). I 
can't make any promises though, just like I can't comment on on-going 


David H. Bailey
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