
This isn't meant to counter your position... But you can extract parts
in 2K9. I work with linked parts until I get them close, then extract
and tweak. I rather like the option because occasionally I get a part
that works as linked and I can just print it without extra tweaking.


On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 8:13 AM, Andrew Stiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess I've changed my mind again.
> FinMac 2K2 was an almost perfect program. All subsequent versions have been
> distinctly inferior, and MakeMusic  seems to have made almost no effort to
> restore the smooth, seamless operation of its last pre-OSX version, but has
> rather introduced new features (notably linked parts) that are buggy,
> clumsy, incomplete, and logically arbitrary.
> I only ever bought 2K4 in order to run the program in OSX. If somebody could
> manage to port 2K2 seamlessly  into OSX, I would get it in a heartbeat and
> never look back.
> Like many other of the older list members, I have routines I like that I
> worked out long ago, that work fine for me, and that I have no desire to
>  supplant. I always work in Speedy, for example. I have never used mirrors,
> because they offer too many chances for user error, and I now realize that,
> for the same reason, I will never use  linked  parts. That being so,  what
>  use  will 2K9 be to me? Precious little,  it seems, and I am now resolved
> to uprgrade beyond 2K7 only if and when my composers become unable  to send
> me materials in a form I can currently work with.
> Andrew Stiller
> Kallisti Music Press
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