That's a viable solution David, provided you're lucky enough to find a Mom & Pop type outfit. I was never that lucky here in the Portland OR area. All the binderies I contacted gave me the same song and dance: we can't really take time away from our current contractual runs to bind a measly 3 items. Paraphrased yes. But that was the gist of the conversations.

Since purchasing my Akiles binder nearly 3 years ago, I'm amazed at how much it's saved me. In time and money. I knew I would use it for a multitude of clients, but I'm also putting it to work for a lot of my students' materials as well. One of the best purchases I've made in the past 10 years.

Wish I could say the same for Finale. (Sorry, couldn't resist a bit of a dig!)

J D  Thomas
West Linn  OR

On Aug 1, 2008, at 5:45 AM, dhbailey wrote:

J D Thomas wrote:
The problem that can occur when taking a small job to a print shop is that you are almost always completing with 'big runs' they already have set up. I had this same issue a few years back whenever I needed an 11 x17 score bound. I always only had 2 or 3 and when I did find a print shop to do it, they acted like it was a big inconvenience and charged me up the yahoo, $$wise.

don't go to Kinko's or any of the chain copy shops -- find a local mom/pop type copy/print shop. They're usually very happy to help you. There's one I've been using for over 20 years, just down the road from where Kinko's opened up. Initially their business fell off some, but everybody who left to go to Kinko's came back because these people actually believe in equal service to everybody.

David H. Bailey
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