Yes, I'm using Yamaha studio speakers.  I'm using Human Playback.

I just figured out how to set the Garritan reverb. That is a big improvement. My articulations had been really muddied by the reverb. Now I need to adjust my articulations and I should end up with a decent rendition. I can now hear that my sax voicings aren't the best -- which is the kind of thing I was hoping would come through with the Garritan sounds. So things are looking up.

As an aside, I bit the bullet and bought a 28" monitor. I have my system set up with a main monitor that is 20", which is a good place to park the media player and miscellaneous apps. I maximize Finale on the big screen and I can display a full jazz band score top to bottom and the staves are big enough to edit directly. I can see about 15 measures horizontally in scroll mode. I think this is going to make a big difference for me.

Just as a general comment, I jumped from 2007. I was a little disoriented at first with the mass-edit being gone, but I am really liking this function being available under the selection tool, which is more-or-less the default mode for Finale now.

Darcy James Argue wrote:

On 1 Aug 2008, at 3:42 PM, Craig Parmerlee wrote:

To my ears, it sounds pretty much like the regular synth sounds, only with a lot more reverb.

The Garritan sounds are recorded dry. Reverb settings are controlled by the Ambience Reverb plugin (still not available by default on Intel Macs!), and the default settings are very bad. You will have much better results if you use a more appropriate preset, create your own settings, or turn it off.

And, as Chuck said, you really must use Human Playback when using Garritan instruments. One huge advantage to the Garritan Sounds + HP (versus the SoftSynth sounds) is that HP automatically creates back-accented tonguing when playing back in a jazz swing style, and automatically adjusts the level of swing depending on the tempo and depending on whether notes are an anticipation or not.

When using SoftSynth instruments, every note is always tongued, the level of swing does not scale with the tempo, and anticipations are treated the same as consecutive notes.

Also: I assume you are using good speakers/headphones? If you are just using the built-in speakers on your computer (or cheap computer speakers), then of course you won't notice much of a difference.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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