On 24 Sep 2008 at 6:39, Richard Yates wrote:

> I would add only MakeMusic's very
> peculiar pattern of not cleaning up the small bugs that would seem to be
> easy to fix.

As a programmer myself, I frequently encounter clients who tell me 
how easy X feature would be to implement in their application. 
However, the clients don't understand a damned thing about what it 
takes to implement any feature -- they are just talking out their 
asses, and tacitly informing me that they don't think they should 
have to pay much for implementing the feature. In those cases, I 
explain to them exactly how complex the feature is to implement and 
how much time it will take and them leave it up to them to decide if 
they want to spend the money.

But their ability to assess the level of difficulty of implementation 
on their own is pretty unimpressive.

I would suggest that in the vast majority of cases we are not in any 
position to be telling MM how easy it would be to fix our pet bugs. 
We simply don't know anything at all about the internals of the 
application and have no grounds in most cases for making any such 

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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