At 06:03 AM 10/15/2008, Lawrence David Eden wrote:
>To clarify:  I am on a Mac running OS X.  The client is on a PC.  I
>have Stuffit and can ZIP the files.

You can also create a zip file right from the Finder (is it still called that?), as others have pointed out. I think it's caleld creating an archive on Mac.

> Are there any cross-platform
>issues with Zipping the .pdf files?


>I use Eudora  as my mail program.

While I agree that a zip file is the way to go, your original question was about attaching multiple files. In Eudora, this is easy. Just do Message | Attach and select all the files you want to attach. If the files are all in the same directory, you should be able to grab them all at once. Alternately, in Windows you can select files in Explorer and just drag them onto an open message to attach them; I would imagine you could do the same thing in Mac with Finder.


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