On 15-Oct-08, at 15-Oct-08  11:38 AM, David W. Fenton wrote:

Who in the world uses AOL? I wouldn't send anything to an AOL user,
myself, and I'd tell them to get rid of AOL.

So would I, unless I didn't want to offend them. 8-)

AOL was famous for messing up any file whose extension it didn't recognise, and it choked messily on .mus extensions, so we Finale users had to make sent files into .zips even if we were only sending one file. AOL seems to be fine with .pdf extensions, though.

When you give specific advice, it might be helpful to specify the
platform you're using.

The original correspondent did not specify a platform in asking the
question, and it really oughtn't make a difference.

It's true that it SHOULDN'T, but it does make a difference sometimes. For example, not many PC users know how deal with Stuffit archives (.sit extension), which were (are?) standard on Mac. Also some free utilities are only available on one of the platforms, so knowing platforms would be helpful.

I was actually surprised to hear that Macs can create zips natively; I have been using DropZip for Mac for several years now because I didn't know that I didn't need it. I learn something new every day!


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