On 14 Oct 2008 at 21:56, John Howell wrote:

> A number of replies have mentioned .zip files.  I can open .zip files 
> (I think), but I'm not sure whether Macs can create them.

My viol teacher, who is pretty much one of those Braille-method Mac 
users (i.e,. she can feel her way around, but doesn't really know to 
much), can zip up files, so I'd assume it would be trivial for 
someone who is able to use Finale. It would also be ridiculous for 
Mac to continue to ignore the most widely used compression format on 
the planet. The Apple mouse even has two buttons these days, so I'd 
expect Macs to be able to handle zip files.

>  And I 
> recall something about AOL screwing up files that either are or are 
> not .ziped, but that may have been fixed long ago.

Who in the world uses AOL? I wouldn't send anything to an AOL user, 
myself, and I'd tell them to get rid of AOL.

> When you give specific advice, it might be helpful to specify the 
> platform you're using.

The original correspondent did not specify a platform in asking the 
question, and it really oughtn't make a difference.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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