Thanks Noel,
FinMac 2009, OS 10.4.11 (which, by the way, _seems_ to be OK up to now. Keeping my fingers crossed ...) What you suggest could work — but I was hoping for something a little less cumbersome, as such measures occur _a lot_ in the music of the Renaissance. I guess I was hoping for a command to make bar lines independent, as you can with key and time signatures ...
Habsburger Verlag Frankfurt (Dr. Fiedler)

On 27.10.2008, at 10:32, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

Eric Fiedler wrote:
Has anyone found a way to make one of four bar lines in a four- voice measure stack different? I have a client who wants a system of barring favored in certain circles of early music specialists, whereby bar lines are "on staff only" where there is no "overlap", and replaced by small dashes above and below the staff where there is (similar to Mensurstrich). I have no trouble creating such special bar lines, but up to now have been unable to apply them to single measures, probably because Finale understands measures as "stacks". I have RTFM and found nothing in it to help me. Any ideas?
You don't say which version of Finale you're using; assuing this works, first thing I'd try is to define a staff style which hides bar lines, apply it to the staff where you want the independent bar line, and define a shape expression to place the broken barlines.

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