Eric Fiedler wrote:
Thanks Noel,
FinMac 2009, OS 10.4.11 (which, by the way, _seems_ to be OK up to now. Keeping my fingers crossed ...) What you suggest could work — but I was hoping for something a little less cumbersome, as such measures occur _a lot_ in the music of the Renaissance. I guess I was hoping for a command to make bar lines independent, as you can with key and time signatures ...

It may be a bit late to do this now, but my preference in early music is not to use any barlines at all, when possible. If you start a new project for the same client, I would use a very large time signature--say 100 / 4 display as 4 / 4, and put all bar lines in as shape expressions. If MM responds favorably to my request to re-instate unlimited staff lists in the expression tool, then one can simply apply the needed bar line(s) with staff lists, which would be less cumbersome.

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