Christopher Smith wrote:

On Jan 17, 2009, at 7:06 PM, Adam Golding wrote:

Yeah the 'popular' chord notation (anyone know where this came from

Strangely, it came from an adaptation of classical figured bass. This is why the exception to the "all chord members are major unless otherwise specified" rule is THE SEVENTH, which is minor by default, because the first 7th chord in classical music was a dominant seventh chord.

The thing I have to remind all my jazz theory students is that jazz/popular chord symbols have nothing to do with the key. They are completely independent. A C7 is the same four notes no matter what the key signature is.

Incidentally, if you want an F#m triad with a D added, you would call it F#m(b6) in the most standard system. This is the second chord in the James Bond main theme, in case anyone thinks it is too far out to consider in popular music.

And that "Bond, James Bond" harmonic pattern goes back to Harold Arlen, if not earlier.

Raymond Horton
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