On 17 Feb 2009 at 0:24, David W. Fenton wrote:

> And the way automatic page layout works 
> means that there's far more page layout recalculating done than is 
> necessary (because the automatic page layout recalc on the current 
> page discards the layout for all subsequent pages, which means they 
> have to be recalced, as opposed to a manual recalc which will update the
> layout from the present page to the end of the document). 

The reason why this bothers me is because it means data is constantly 
being discarded and recreated. This means that there will be a 
certain level of fragmentation in the file's internal structures 
(whether in RAM only, in temp files only, or in the actual file image 
saved on the hard drive, I don't know). This kind of fragmentation is 
the kind of thing that can lead to file corruption, so I want to 
avoid as much of that as possible.

Maybe I'm paranoid.

But as someone who works with file-based databases, I know what kinds 
of problems come from this kind of data churn. It's never good in the 
long run.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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