On 17 Feb 2009 at 22:14, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

> Whatever the case, I still cannot understand your reasoning for not 
> having the auto-update feature on.

Because I do my page layout updates manually, at the time in my 
workflow when I'm laying out the pages. If I then edit in such a way 
as to change any measure widths, I'll respace the music and update 
the layout. In this case, I didn't change any measure widths, hence, 
no need to update layout.

So far as I can see, the only reason I should turn on automatic 
layout updates is to avoid this one bug. Having been bitten by it, 
now I'll always look at the pages before printing them, and then 
proof the results. I normally would do that, but this time the 
changes were trivial and didn't change the layout (and it certainly 
didn't change any of my measure widths or system breaks, BTW).

I also don't have automatic Windows updates turned on, because I have 
made a lot of money from restoring PCs that were screwed up by 
automatic updates.

I don't believe in doing automatically what can be done on demand in 
a structured workflow. I want to control when things happen, and I 
don't see any reason to change that.

Indeed, I have been working this way for as long as I've been using 
Finale (i.e., since 1991), and until now have never had a problem. I 
wouldn't have had the problem had I properly proofed, but I didn't 
know Finale was so undependable.

Lesson learned, obviously.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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