On Sun Sep 27, at SundaySep 27 7:36 AM, dhbailey wrote:

tempo analysis is very important to help figure out what one feels is the proper interpretation. Listening to works which have been widely recorded can be very helpful in that regard. Some recordings of any work seem to succeed better than others, and quite often it's the difference in tempo which makes all the difference.

Actually, this sounds fascinating to me. I imagine (perhaps wrongly!) that the tempo might stay fairly solid for each section, but change from variation to variation, maybe with a connection to what kinds of subdivisions are in the top parts. David F., I hope you will point us to a link with your findings once you have worked it all out.

One of my colleagues did his master's thesis in analysing the swing feel of some jazz recordings. His focus was submetric (rather than tempo, so not exactly the same thing) but he related the variations in swing feel to tempo as well. It certainly didn't take him a weekend! I can't help but think that modern digital audio tools would have helped him in speed and accuracy, though.


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