On 30 Oct 2009 at 22:46, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

> Well, makemusic does as much. Remember the finale release where they  
> touted having the copyright sign as a new feature? Finale 2006 or  
> something?

Certainly (that's why I said it should be buried as a bullet point), 
but I was reacting to Henry's comment, which read:

On 30 Oct 2009 at 13:15, Howey, Henry wrote:

> Has Sibelius again shown MM how to do their job?
> I speak of the information on accessing RAM and optimizing one's
> machine for doing so. 
> MM must get on the bandwagon and give us this info.

That makes is sound like it's some kind of really big deal.

(and I have no idea what the "optimizing" is about)

But it's not a big deal:

1. on any version of Windows other than Windows 7, 32-bit 
applications can access only 3GBs plus of RAM (this is because of OS 
limitations in regard to what memory it makes available to user 

2. on Windows 7, 32-bit apps can see the 4GBs of RAM *if that RAM is 
available and not in use by system processes* and *if* the 32-bit app 
is compiled to be aware of RAM above 2GBs.

So, Sibelius 6.1 has been recompiled to use various OS switches that 
make it aware of the full 4GBs of RAM that is available on Windows 7 
(I'm not certain, but it might be that without being compiled with 
this switch, Sibelius would only be able to see 2GBs of RAM; it's not 
clear to me if Win7 adds a different switch or if it's just a matter 
of Win7 handling the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE switch differently; if the 
latter is the case, it would likely improve RAM usage for all systems 
with more than 2GBs of RAM, which might be an advantage of Sibelius 
over Finale for systems other than Win7, though it would fall short 
of Henry's claimed 4GBs).

> I believe that is what Henry was referring to. The memory thing in  
> 6.1. I couldn't come up with anything else from Sibelius.com that  
> would fit what he was describing....

Sibelius needs to do this sooner than Finale because of their slower 
release cycle. MM isn't going to inconvenience too many people if 
they wait until their next release (less than a year from now) to 
change Finale to utilize the extra RAM that Win7 makes available to 
32-bit apps (it's not even a full GB, actually, as a 4GB system on 
Vista is said to report in the range of 3.xGBs of available RAM, 
where x is some number greater than zero, and often as high as 5).

But since Sibelius just released their last version in the last year, 
their next release is not expected for another 1.5-2 years. So, they 
really needed to do this now (or before Finale's next release).

If you've identified Henry's issue correctly, Eric, it seems to me to 
be not even close to being signifcant, let alone as significant as 
Henry's ex cathedra pronouncement made it sound.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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