On Jan 20, 2010, at 5:37 AM, David W. Fenton wrote:

I'm stuck working with Finale 2003, and am in the midst of doing a
whole bunch of editions for my viol consort with lyrics. My annoyance
is the whole issue with spacing of melismas -- i.e., if there's a run
of 16ths, if the first has a syllable on it, the full space for the
syllable is allocated to the first 16th, even though the 16ths should
be spaced normally, because it's a melisma.

I'm sorry I didn't notice this post earlier, David. If you're not already done, I would recommend you try turning off music spacing for lyrics, then respace the music, and see how that works for you. (Options > Document Options > Music Spacing > uncheck the box for Lyrics. In earlier versions, I think it was a separate menu item called "Music Spacing Options".)

As one who is fussy about spacing, I find that letting the program space for lyrics, even when it's done "correctly", leaves much to be desired. To get the results I want, I generally go back and forth between having lyrics checked or unchecked in the Music Spacing Options. But honestly, I find that more often I'd rather turn it off and make space manually afterward than leave it on and have to undo ugly spacing.

This is all the more true in music that is heavily melismatic, where for most of the piece you'd rather not have the music spacing algorithm looking at the lyric syllables at all. For such a piece, I'd space the entire thing with lyrics unchecked. Then if there are one or two measures where the lyrics collide, go back and respace just those measures with lyrics checked.

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